Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of First Grade

I'm happy and relieved to say that I. had a great first day.  This morning she was still lamenting not getting to play with D. but when I picked her up, she ran over with a big smile and kisses for both of us, D. first of course.  She loved her day and today was pretty much learning rules and figuring out where the kids' learning levels were at.  I think she's going to rock it this year.  Her teacher and I have already talked twice about her advanced levels in math and reading so I feel good that we are on the same page - she doesn't need extra homework or more homework, she just needs challenging homework.  This is one of the big reasons why we are sending I. to private school and making the investment.  If she was in public school, there would be around 33 kids in her first grade class, hers has 18.  She was in such a good mood and couldn't wait for tomorrow to head back to school.

D. and I went to music class and then out to lunch with our music class friends which was fun.  By the time we got home, it was time for nap time and then I had to wake D. up from nap to go get I. from school.  A surprisingly fast day though I did get a lot done, some laundry, making I.'s and D.'s breakfasts plus I.'s lunch, and fitting in 30 minutes of hard exercise.  My goal this fall is to fit in 3-30 minute home sessions of exercise during the week to supplement my weekend workouts.  This week will be one trying to find balance between  fun/leisure and getting things done both when I. is in school and when she is out of school.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Happy to read this post! Hope the week has continued to go well!