Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kickback Day in Palm Desert

Yesterday was a physically exhausting day what with packing, cleaning the cat room and equipment, carrying everything down 3 flights of stairs, loading the car, driving 2 hours, and then unloading the car including carrying everything up another flight of stairs. I was pooped and not looking forward to Saturday when I'll have to do it all again.

Today, I planned a kickback day for I. and I to just bum around, relax, and play because we don't get to do that enough when we're at home because there is always something that needs to be, an errand to be run etc. So to have no plans except for an early Mexican food dinner was heaven. We leisurely got ready and then we went on a tricycle ride and after that, a walk around the complex. Lunch and then we did puzzles out on the patio since it had finally warmed up to above 60 and played with all the other toys we had brought. The day was filled beautiful sunshine, cool air, fluffy white clouds, the giggles of a little girl and the smile of her momma loving to watch her. Yes, we both did miss V. but trying to enjoy the opportunity we have while we're here in Palm Desert. For I., it comes naturally that childlike ability to really enjoy each moment rather than looking forward, backward, anywhere but at the very moment. Today I was really able to do it and both I. and I benefitted from it.

The trick is to do this when I'm at home in my normal life. Sounds like a resolution to me...

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