Saturday, August 22, 2009

Back to the Horrible Nightmares

After getting what apparently was a 1 day reprieve from starting the day off with crappy nightmares, this morning's was a doozy, complete with many different facets. In it, I was driving V. and I down the winding part of a local freeway (163) at night and I couldn't see very well. Things were just very fuzzy and my eyes kept closing. It was really scaring me because there were cars on the road and then I almost hit a CHP who had stopped a car on the side of the road. I knew he would call it in and they would be looking for me so I got off the freeway and started trying to take back roads to get home.

We ended up going up an almost 90 degree hill that leveled off to a patch of dirt. We got out and went inside this cropping of stones, like a mini Stonehenge and there was no one there. It was dark and eerie and we decided to leave but when we went to our car, a whole bunch of people drove up, parked and got it. It was mostly women and their daughters, older than I. maybe 6-8 years old, and they looked like they were getting ready for a dance recital of some sort. There was this ramshackle small house that they went into and we followed them in there. Lots of talking, lots of chaos, busyness, and fast movements as they unpacked their stuff. V. decided he wanted to leave but I wanted to stay and see what they were doing so he drove away in the car, leaving me there.

No one was really talking to me, I was just standing there watching, still in that drowsy, dizzy state when I realized there was a long hair hanging out of my mouth. I started pulling on it, and it kept coming out, until it was 2 feet long. The very end of this hair was attached to something brown and as I kept pulling it out, thick brown liquid started pouring out of my mouth and I was throwing this up for a long time. This freaked me out so I decided I wanted to leave but the people had hidden my purse and phone and it quickly became apparent to me that they were not going to allow me to leave and that things were going to go very badly, very quickly. I hid and finally found my phone, feeling drugged up and when V. finally answered, I told him that I wanted to leave and to come get me though I didn't know where I was. V. said in this irritated voice, "Oh, now finally you want to leave?" but agreed to meet me at some intersection that I thought was within walking distance.

I waited until everyone seemed busy and then started running down that steep hill but they saw me and the mob of women started running after me, screeching and screaming, and catching up to me. They were grabbing my arms, jumping on my back, and trying to stab me with syringes full of Thorazine and slapping drug patches on my neck. I pulled the patch off but still felt the instant effects of the drug which slowed me down a little. I grabbed the syringe and stabbed the woman in the neck with it. Just as I thought there was hope of escaping, I looked up to see another woman directly in front of me. She had this huge boulder in her hands, which she raised above her head and slammed onto the top of my head.

The last scene in this nightmare was this loud, angry mob carrying me over their shoulders back up that steep hill, my head covered with blood, dripping down my face, and me crying out over and over again that I just wanted to see V. and I.

I woke up, heart racing, emotions raw, feeling exhausted already and the day had just begun.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one was as horrible as I've heard. I think we need to talk about it. So much fear, anger, and feeling powerless in it. C