Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A First Christmas Eve of Sorts

Things went awry in Saudi Arabia due to DC stupidity, resulting in V's arrival being delayed. Instead of arriving last night, he won't be here until tomorrow night, Christmas night, after everything is over. Talk about disappointment. So tomorrow morning, I. will open her present from Santa and maybe one other present and then we'll get ready to go up to my parents' house for the present free for all. She'll spend the night there and I'll come home to my husband actually being in our bed.

This week I. and I decorated Christmas cookies for the first time and we had a really good time. It's times like these that make the holiday season so much more enjoyable:

And here's the finished product:

I'm kind of a strange person I think. I realized tonight this was the first Christmas Eve I've ever spent partially by myself. When I was a kid or single, I always spent Christmas Eve at my parents' house. When I was married, I spent it with my hubby. So this year, being married, V. wasn't here and I did spend it with I. but Christmas Eve night, I'm here by myself. And surprisingly, it's not as bad as I pictured it. I wish V. was here but I'm okay, 'cause I got to spend time with Mark this morning, hang out with I. during the day, and now am watching It's A Wonderful Life, until it gets too late because then I'm going to bed, 'cause I'll need the energy for tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!


Diana Duke said...

What a bummer! You are being so positive and making the best of everything; what an inspiration. I wish you the very best extended Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Those cookies look scrumptious! I am sorry that V. will not be with you on Christmas Eve, you are handling things beautifully and I hope you have a sweet celebration when he returns.