Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Such A Joy

Everything makes D. smile and often laugh.  When we get home from taking I. to school, I'll look through the windows at him as I make my way around the car.  He gets so excited anticipating me making it over to his door and getting him out.  Such a big smile on his face, hands moving and his eyes wide open and twinkling.  Each morning we do this and I never get tired of it.

Blowing on his hair makes him laugh.  I'm trying to teach him how to drink out of a cup since he balks at the sippy portion of the cup.  As soon as the cold water hits his mouth, he starts giggling, then choking and then giggling again until he gets the hiccups.  I give him Gripe Water in a syringe to help with the giggles - only problem is when that liquid hits his mouth, it sets him off laughing all over again.  Wiping his butt with a baby wipe sets him off often as well.  Of course, all the normal things make him laugh too - funny voices, noises, peek a boo games, tickling and nibbling.  The boy just loves to laugh and I love it too.

He has turned into a master roller.  He sets his sights on what he wants and where it is and then rolls and rolls keeping his eye on it until he reaches it.  At this rate, there isn't much of a point to crawling though he does propel himself with his toes if the roll leaves him at a wrong angle for reaching.

We've been enjoying our weekly music class greatly though D. does get very upset when it's time to give the instruments back.  I can't believe we only have 4 classes left before the summer break.  I'm hoping to replace it during the summer with swimming class - a Mommy and Me class like I did with I. and simultaneously lessons for I.  It seems like it was just last month that I. and I were taking the class together.  It just means that I need to do whatever I want to do with my kids now, not wait, because time flies by and they grow up so so fast.  I really feel lucky to be a mother even though it leaves me exhausted by the end of the day.

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