Saturday, May 19, 2012

What Makes Me Happy

Recent pics of what makes my life happy:

Read a NY Times blog today about a Gallop poll that stated that SAHM are more depressed, sad, stressed etc. than working moms or working women without children.  I can understand the stressed part because as a SAHM my job is to be there for my kids, not outside of my work hours but all day and all night if necessary.  They are inescapable and that can be emotionally draining.  Also, unlike a job where occasionally I may have had a "Fuck it" attitude towards because there are other jobs out there, these two kids are mine.  I chose to bring them in this world and no matter how gnarly, defiant or downright offensive they may be, THEY ARE STILL MINE.  I don't know about you, but at some moments here and there, that realization can feel overwhelming and depressing depending on what you're dealing with.

That being said, I think being an older mom and already doing the management corporate route makes me realize that I'm not missing anything except for a fat paycheck.  I make a difference in somebody's life (and usually two somebodies) each and every day.  And there is something to be said about dealing with a 6 year old's behavior when the actual age of the person IS 6 years old, not 36 years old.  Sometimes it's still frustrating but a hell of a lot less frustrating.

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