Friday, February 4, 2011

Grumpy Morning

You would think after yesterday I would just be one big grateful ball of wonderfulness this morning. I should be, why aren't I? Shoulds just add to my aggravation so why do I go there? I don't know it's just like picking a wound that you know you should leave alone (there's that should again). I think I need to make a very concerted effort to remove that word from my dialogue today for everyone's sanity's sake.

Why am I grumpy I ask myself?
  1. Because I still don't feel good from this virus thingy.
  2. Because little simple things this morning seems to be elusive - the coffeemaker just stopped working for no apparent reason. It worked and then a second later it didn't. No rhyme or reason.
  3. Because my oatmeal, that I make 5 out of 7 mornings the same way every day, exploded in the microwave for no reason. I didn't change the time or the amount so how does that happen? I didn't want to make it over again so I just scraped it off the inside of the microwave back into the bowl and ate it. I'm sure my unborn child really appreciated that.
  4. I have not one but three splits on my fingers, right on my fingertips and they were burning all night long and continue to hurt. No matter how much lotion I put on, they keep splitting. It's a direct result of sickness being in the house since the weekend causing me to wash my hands a lot. Then of course, this bitter cold, dry weather is not helping.
  5. On top of that, I'm just not a morning person, it takes me awhile to wake up and be sociable and until that time, I really don't like to converse a whole bunch and physically, I like my space. Today of all days, I. decides that she's going to color and play on the breakfast table leaning on me as I attempt to eat. She just keeps edging over until she's bumping up against me, completely on purpose, and I'm not joking it's almost pushing me over the edge not to yell "Get off of me!"
  6. Before this, I let I. play about 20 minutes of Nick Jr. games on the computer before breakfast and as always, she gives me problems about stopping which is what always happens and this is why she hasn't played the games for awhile. Because there is ALWAYS a problem when it's time to stop. I guess the predictability of the problem annoys me more than the actual problem itself.
Okay, deep breath. I need to reboot this day. I need to go upstairs and get ready and maybe just having that physical space will give me enough breathing room. I sure do hope so because this day cannot continue on like this. I will make this a better day than the morning was.

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