Friday, February 11, 2011

Hoping for the Best

Today has the makings of a tough day. Beginning yesterday, I. was fighting off some sickness and I was so happy when she immediately fell asleep last night. Then V. turned on the heat at 2:30am and forgot to turn it off, resulting in both I. and I roasting to death in our upstairs' bedrooms. The heat caused me to have stressful, scary dreams all morning. Couple that with the police helicopter flying low in circles right over our house at 2:45 am and to say that I slept poorly was an understatement. I woke up with this blasted headache - the 4th day of this stupid thing.

In I.'s room, the heat caused her to wake up at 4:17am as she informed me when I went in this morning. Even on a good day when she's not fighting off some random virus, this would not be a good omen. But on a day when she's already under the weather, this is a recipe for a perfect storm.

That being said, we're taking it easy today - no Sea World or the Zoo. Yesterday I was on my feet from 10:30-3:00 and it took a lot out of me. The last thing I need is to have another day like that today. Also, we've got our trip to SF to look forward to next week when we will be running around town all day (happily though). The only bad part is that it is supposed to be pouring rain the whole time except for the last day so that's going to add an unwanted component to being in a city without a car or the ability to get inside one (no car seat). I'm trying to make it just part of the adventure and hopefully can maintain that for all of our sakes next week.

So today, we're going to take care of a couple of errands this morning, much to I.'s chagrin (really they shouldn't take longer than 45 minutes total) including trying to find an umbrella in I.'s size for next week and a pillow to put in her sham tomorrow when her new bed is delivered. But in her mind, errands are errands and errands are all bad. In the afternoon we're heading to the library which on any other day would be cause for celebration. On a day like today, it was met with negativity and a "that's not fun" comment.

I.'s new bed is coming tomorrow like I mentioned and she is really excited. I am excited for her but so sad that the room is going to look so completely different than it does for the past 5+ years. There is something comforting to look in that room and remember when I was 8+ months pregnant with I. and putting her room together myself. I remember when I finished hanging everything up and constructing the closet organizer and I stood up, looked around, and thought, "Ah, perfect." But it's time and even if she wasn't finally ready for a new bed, she would need to be to get ready for the what's it so it is perfect timing. Yet perfect timing doesn't mean that it's easy or not bittersweet. In fact, in a way it makes it harder when you know it's time for something but still don't feel completely ready to embrace the change. I guess I just have to do it anyways and keep moving forward. There's no other choice.

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