Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekend Hodge Podge

Wrapping up another weekend...a pretty good one. It finally stopped raining so we were able to go out and about without aggravation both weekend days. I saw there was a cat show at the local fairgrounds and thought that would be a neat thing for I. and I to go and browse and then go to a favorite Mexican restaurant near the fairgrounds afterwards. Since my dad is in the pet industry, I thought I'd see if they'd like to go with us plus I knew I. would be thrilled. They agreed and then told me this hilarious story that I must capture here for posterity.

They went to get some specialty health screenings since they are very obsessive with taking care of themselves. Obsessive may be the wrong word since it's good that they want to take care of themselves. I guess I label it "obsessive" because in essence, they are deathly afraid of getting older and fight it tooth or nail to the point that they are completely age-phobic. So, they show it and are asked to provide ID before the tests are done. Keep in mind, my parents are in their early 60's. So when asked to provide ID, what do they pull out? THEIR LEGOLAND ANNUAL PASSES!!! Oh my gosh, my mom said that and I just howled, thought it was the funniest thing I'd ever heard, and every time I picture it in my head I start chuckling all over again. They have just gone over the deep end and I told them that. I said this was the step before people start robbing banks with Nixon masks on. Is it any wonder that I'm having a hard time with turning 40 in a couple of short months?! Really, do I even have a chance with these kind of people around me?

Back to the cat show, we had a good time and my dad made a couple of vendor contacts and we enjoyed our early dinner too. All was well until I was driving I. and I home and I just got bummed out because V. wasn't here with us. When I was at the cat show, a couple caught my eye with their year old daughter. They were enjoying watching her try to walk and were being affectionate with one another. It was hard for me to stop watching them and it made me feel bad. Then when we were seated at the restaurant in a booth (my dad, my mom, Isabella and then me), the waiter came up to see how many waters we needed and he looked at me, gestured next to me and said, "Are we expecting anyone else or is this is?" I said, "No, this is it." I'm tired of it "this is it".

Today we went to the gym and then to see "The Princess and the Frog" movie. It's been out for a while and I. has seen the commercials for it. While she seemed interested in it, she never asked to be taken to see it (how refreshing). So when I told her this morning that we were going to see it, she was tickled and told everyone at the gym that she was going to see it. We bought that evil popcorn which she ate her weight in with her left hand while holding my hand with her right hand. There is just something about holding a little girl's hand that I will never tire of. I don't know if it feels the same as a little boy's hand but when she wants to hold my hand, I just stare at it, trying to engrave that visual memory in my brain forever.

Some moments in my day may seem to go on forever at times but the precious ones go by so quickly and make me remember that I need to savor these days with I. even more than I usually do because I'll blink and she'll be on her own.

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