Thursday, September 6, 2007

In a Groove (for as long as it lasts)

I already know that I am jinxing myself by commenting on the fact that this week has been better than the last few weeks. Don't get me wrong, The Baby hasn't turned into an angel by any means and we still have daily tantrums but I have been able to successfully nip quite a few in the bud this week and that makes me happy. The only thing I'm certain of is that it won't last and like everything else, it will change (maybe tomorrow). I wish that I could keep that simple fact in mind when things are going badly instead of feeling as though it will never end. Maybe I can revisit this blog when I am having a bad week to remind myself.

We tried out a new free class yesterday morning and The Baby had the best time she has ever had outside of the house. She tends to put on her "game face" and be more reserved when we go out but by the end of 2 hours at this class, she was as happy as I have ever seen here, animated, galloping around and shrieking at the top of her lungs which is very unusual for her since she hardly does that at all. I have to say that watching her gleefulness and pure abandon filled me with a happiness right up there with my wedding day and the moment she was born. Amazing how something so simple can elicit such a good feeling in me. It's moments like these that make the other moments: whining, tantrums, pulling my hair, kicking me fade into the background for a while and make me understand why people have more than one kid.

Getting closer to my second kid post .....(can't you tell?)

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