Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 3 & 4

Got the garbage disposal fixed in the morning and then ran around getting items off the carpet in preparation for the carpet cleaning.  It's amazing how many things I had to pick up.  As a result my upper back went out which was a bummer.  Got the tile and carpet cleaned, he left at 12:20 and the realtor picked me up at 12:30 for 3 hours of looking at housing possibilities.  Sadly, the only one that met inside and outside desires had a cracked slab.  Still it was good to get out and see what is out there.  We got back at 3:30 and called the chiropractor quickly and made an appointment for 5:!5 after my 4:00 massage.  I had to fit in a couple of fun things for myself while the kiddos were gone!

Massage was wonderful, chiropractor helped with the back pain and then I was onto Islands to meet Melissa for dinner at 5:30.  We had a good time laughing.  As usual it went too fast and before I knew it, it was time to head home to take all the items off the beds and counters since the carpet was dry.  As soon as V. got home, it was time to move all the heavy furniture out of the living area.  We got all done at 9pm and then camped out on the floor talking and watching tv for an hour.

Today was laminate install day and get the upstairs completely cleaned, touch up painting and decluttered.  I worked from 10-2:30 before I took my first break and now I've gotten another few things done but I've lost momentum and am pooped out.  V. is on his way home from LA so hopefully we can move the couch back and then head out to grab some dinner and relax while watching game 7 of the NBA Finals.  The installers will have to come back tomorrow morning for a quick finish of something that had to be ordered today but it should be quick.  Kiddos are to be picked up early afternoon tomorrow.  It's amazing how quickly this week has gone.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

You're making my head spin! Hope you're happy with the new and clean flooring!