Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Positive Feedback Day One

Today I made a point of not only giving 5 positive messages to I. but also was dedicated to catching her when she was being good.  So here's the results for Day 1.

This morning was a little tough, thankfully I got in 2 positive comments in before we headed to school because I. was late in getting in the car and thus was tardy a 2nd day in a row.  I don't think she was tardy even 1 day the whole kindergarten year to put it in perspective. 

I reminded myself before picking her up about being positive and physically affectionate.  I know I sound like some kind of Mommy Dearest - I mean who needs to remind themselves to be affectionate.  To put it in perspective, I. has been up since 4:30am and by 3:30, she's spent mentally, emotionally, and physically.  When I pick her up from school is how most kids feel (and act) at 6:30/7:30 at night.  Short fused and not coping too well.

However, I made a concerted effort to compliment her sometimes second handedly to D., stop and listen to her, give her physical affection and you know what, she blossomed today.  Cheerful, patient, loving, and bedtime was happy and calm.

It's not that I don't do some of these things each day because I do.  It's just that in order to do ALL of these things when I'm tired and am dealing with 2 tired, cranky children takes a mentally concerted effort.

Confession...though my intestines didn't much like the caffeine, I think it may have helped with my afternoon and evening efforts.

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