Thursday, July 28, 2011


So yesterday was a weird sort of Twilight Zone day that leads me to believe that I am in the pre-labor warm up dance. First of all, the title of this post is TMI and if you don't know what that stands for, you shouldn't be reading this sad little blog in the first place. You've been warned.

Here's the rundown of yesterday's oddities: lots of pressure and sharp pain in my upper thighs, lower abdomen, and butthole. Yep, that's right sharp pains in my butthole. Pleasant isn't it? If that didn't put you off your breakfast, this might: I went the bathroom, as in loose #2's, no less than 6 times yesterday. Add that to having to pee every 10 minutes and it's a miracle I was able to even leave the house! So that whole evacuation thing was strange just by itself. Then last night, the B/H contractions ramped up to every 10 minutes for a couple of hours until I cried "Uncle" and went to bed.

V. wasn't home last night so at bathroom break #3 at 5am. this morning, the racing what-if thoughts started up. What if my OB appt. or baby testing appt. this morning showed something that had to be dealt with immediately? How would I get I. from Vacation Bible School? Who would I call first? How would someone else pick up I. without the car seat? Well, after an hour and a half of worrying and fruitlessly trying to relax and fall asleep, I gave up. At least I won't be rushing around this morning. But I will be tired seeing as I had a hard time going to sleep (it was probably close to 11) and then getting up at 5. I've been needing 9 hours of sleep and I got about 6 so it's going to be an uphill kind of day.

We'll see what the appts. show this morning. V. will be home tonight and I'm not letting him spend the night elsewhere until after the baby is born so hopefully that will prevent these what-if racing thoughts.

One more quick thing before I run to get ready. I forgot to post this after last Thursday's OB appt. and maybe it's just me but this was another WEIRD moment for me. But maybe it's just me, it really could be, I'm just really strange about things.

My OB is a nice older man, as in late 60's I would guess and looks pretty much like his age. Glasses, gray hair, a little balding, walks around in his white coat and most importantly, he looks like a doctor. Which is good if he's your OBGYN. Because if someone is looking down THERE, I want him to look more like a doctor than a man. See, it's getting weird already and I'm not even to the weird part. Last week was the first internal exam of the pregnancy (gotta love being a woman) and I made it through. A little while later, I. and I are walking through the parking lot to our car when this convertible, sporty BMW starts to pass us and I hear, "Hi!" I look over and it's my doctor. In a sporty, convertible BMW (did I mention that?) with a snazzy checkered short sleeve shirt, no glasses and looking probably 10 years younger. The problem being he looks like a man, not a doctor. To make matters worse, he looks like some of the men who have flirted with me in the past (before I got knocked up). I've always attracted older men - I seem to work on a 20 year sliding scale. In my 20s, the men were 40s, and now that I'm 40s, they are 60s. Guess when I hit 60s, I won't have too much to worry about - hah!!

The whole situation just skeeved me out. For crying out loud, he just stuck his hand up my vajayvay and now he's tooling around all spiffy like and greeting me like we're friends. Ewww!!! I know, it's probably just one of my issues and I'm okay with that. At least when I told V., he understood where I was coming from. At least he did after I compared to getting the prostate poke exam from the female doctor and then having her all dressed up and greeting him friendly like outside the office. It's always good to have appropriate comparisons when talking to men, you know.

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