Monday, July 4, 2011

Close To Normal

Yesterday I think we came as close to a "normal" family as we're going to get. It felt so good! In the morning we went to the gym to do a quick workout which allowed V. and I to talk by ourselves here and there. Afterwards, we drove out to La Jolla to pick up the suit I got V. for Father's Day and then decided to stop off at Iowa Meat Farms to see the meat that everyone talks about. This kind of trip is reminiscent of before V and I were married. On Sundays, we would venture out to remote areas of San Diego to educate him about this new city he was moving to. So yesterday's trip was kind of like that. We bought some yummy meat for bbq'ing in the afternoon and headed home.

Then we worked together to put together our early bbq dinner and sat down to eat together (indoors because it was a little too toasty outside). While this may not sound like a big deal, it is in our house because of V.'s schedule and I.'s early bedtime hour. The only dinner we usually eat together is our Saturday "linner" out. So to sit down at our dining room table and share a dinner at home is a special occasion.

In the evening, because V. and I had spent 2 whole days together, we started our usual "getting on the same wavelength" that happens when we spend time together. You know, like we'll say the same exact thing at the same time or he'll go to say something and I know word for word what he's going to say. He acts all freaked out about it but I know deep down, he feels as comforted and happy about it as I do. When you spend as much time apart as we have/do but still see evidence of that same-mindedness that brought us together and keeps us together relatively conflict-free, it gives a peace of mind and spirit that everything will be okay.

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