Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Productive Day

I think yesterday was one of the most productive "home day" we've ever had. V. had a list of 3 things to get done and successfully completed them which is a miracle in and of itself. He is so unused to doing projects of any sort around the house because he's always been a renter/apartment dweller. I got a whole bunch of stuff done too as well and finally feel like the house is at a point where the baby could come and we'd be in good shape. Whew!

Now after hibernating together for 3 days, it's back to reality. You know, grocery store, laundry, etc. Including I.'s complaining and attitude. I know I can't be the only person to have a 5 year old who thinks that every day should be all about fun and gets pissy when things need to get done in between some fun. It's still aggravating to me. Hopefully this morning's complaints will taper off and the rest of the day goes more smoothly.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

It sounds like things are going well to be ready for the baby. Getting things done together and still having some down time can feel really good, Huh? Glad the long weekend went so well and hope that today got better with I. Never to early for them to learn that life isn't always about having fun, though life without it is not good either.