Wednesday, July 6, 2011


How can I be a mother and not comment on yesterday's not guilty verdict? Based on the fact that there wasn't any physical evidence tying her to the murder, I knew in my mind that Casey Anthony would get off. However, in my heart, I was hoping beyond hope that there would be some justice meeted out for a mother who so obviously was involved directly or indirectly in killing her own daughter. If your child goes missing, you don't make up lies for 31 days about what has happened to her, go out and get a tattoo about how great your life is, and party it up like it's 1999. You just don't. And I think that every decent mother out there knows that those facts alone point to the fact that she did it. She somehow, with or without help, got rid of her own child.

The only comfort I can take is that in my professional past, all the people who were unethical and conducted themselves dishonorably eventually got what they had coming to them. My mantra when dealing with those people was "Someday I will stand by the banks of the river and watch their dead bodies go floating by." And you know what - every single one of them did float on by after they were exposed to be the exact people I said they were even though they had everyone else snowed.

I just hope that sort of thing happens to Casey Anthony. Even though she feels like she's gotten away with something, someday she will reap what she has sowed and a just punishment will be meeted out for her. I just have to believe that.

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