Monday, August 1, 2011

Made It Through the Weekend

Whew, there were times this weekend when I wasn't sure I was going to make it without kicking off the labor festivities but we did. After 3 days of VBS for I. and some necessary errrands for me, I skidded into Saturday to discover that I really had no energy left which is an odd feeling to me. Even when I say I'm exhausted, I usually push through and have enough to continue. Not Saturday. My sleep on Friday night was interrupted by pressure in the nether regions and pain in my belly (probably contractions) that were uncomfortable enough to wake me up and keep me up until they subsided. By the time 10:30am rolled around and we were ready to head to the gym, I was pooped. So V. and I. went to the gym and believe it or not, I just laid back down on the bed and happily rested. I say happily because usually when I am resting, my mind is off on what I should be, could be doing with this unusual alone time but not Saturday. I was content to just lie there, read and close my eyes. I was officially pooped out.

Yesterday we got the grocery shopping done while V. was here since I suspected that another trip of lugging and unpacking would prove too much. Good thing too since contractions started hitting halfway through the shopping trip.

I think the word on the street, to borrow a phrase out of Sesame Street, is "uncomfortable". Most everything is uncomfortable for me. Rolling in bed, getting up, bending over, just sitting down - none of it feels good. My only true pleasure at this point is my shower. Feeling that warm water on my skin still gives true relief.

This morning, it's back to VBS for 3 more days hopefully. I. is having a great time and that makes me happy. And I'm getting a few more hours of alone time before this little boy makes his appearance. The afternoons give I. and I a little time together to color, do puzzles, and just hang out together, us girls. A little slice of quiet happiness in our life balanced with excitement and uncertainty.

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