Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Update

I know tomorrow morning is going to be crazy so I thought I'd give a quick update tonight. It was a drama free Father's Day at my parents' house. Whew. My parents actually relaxed and enjoyed themselves, their kids (the two of us there) and their grandchild without worrying. My brother bbq'd the meal and I helped take care of the rest. Wow, is this what a normal family is like? I don't even know but I suspect it is.

Still nothing was said to me. Isn't that weird? So I brought it up with my brother while my parents weren't around because he knew I wrote it and he gave me the scoop. They took my sister to the fair yesterday to "celebrate" Father's Day with her and then she asked about today. They told her that because of the way she acts at events, I wrote a letter saying what I said so she couldn't come. I guess she flipped out and ranted and raved about it.

The bottom line is this and I told my brother this. I have no desire to make her feel bad or kick her out of the family. I only want her to act like a decent human being who doesn't treat everyone like trash and ruin all family memories. I didn't even think she would care and she probably doesn't care for the right reasons. But if this makes her look at herself and how she acts and she can change her behavior, then this will be worth it. Because I do feel bad - not guilty because I've done nothing wrong in this situation but bad because she was upset and sat at home knowing the rest of the family was together. I'm not an ogre but at this point in my life, I don't mind being the bad guy either if it benefits the majority of my family. It's a thing called consequences, a lesson that my parents never let my brother or sister learn and that they drilled into my brain incessantly when I was a kid. It's not a bad lesson to learn early on in life but in my sister's case, maybe it will be a case of better late than never. We'll see.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Thanks for posting your Father's Day update. You know I was going to be checking for it. Interesting how your parents approached it without talking to you, but so......... happy that you all had such a nice day!