Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

We're back from vacation and hitting the ground running. Everything is unpacked, put away and one load of laundry washed, dried and waiting for folding. Today is Father's Day and despite my best laid plans, I am going to show up at my parents' house without gifts. Why? Because I ordered them on Amazon and yes, they were delivered. Unfortunately they were delivered by USPS and I had the mail on vacation hold to all be delivered in bulk tomorrow. Yes, my dad's Father's Day gifts for today will be delivered to me tomorrow. So much for thinking that 2 day shipping would automatically mean UPS delivery. I mean, if I want to make sure anybody gets anything within a week, I don't use USPS because it tends to be a crap shoot. Well, I guess they have a "special" agreement with Amazon. I just hope my dad doesn't get hurt by it. I mean he'll say he understands and it's no big deal but he tends to be sensitive about stuff like this. Oh well, I can only control so much in life, right?

V. is taking a nap right now before we head over to my parents' house because that's what he likes to do and it is his Father's Day too. This past week, I could tell he was making an effort to be more involved with I. without too much prodding on my part and I made sure I pointed it out to him and how much I appreciated it. This is not to say that he's standoffish with I. or uninvolved. I think it's a function of not physically being in the girls' lives for most of their lives and working so much during I.'s life. It's not that he doesn't want to be, it's more that he just is out of practice. To see I. thriving and basking in the daily daddy attention made my heart happy.

Believe it or not, still nothing was said about my letter about my sister to my parents. V. asked me yesterday whether she was going to be there tomorrow and I said I assumed (yeah, not good to assume I know) that she wouldn't be even though nothing was said and honestly, the best Father's Day gift for my dad is if she wasn't there.

The next two weeks are a whirlwind of fitting things into an already full schedule. It tires me out to just look at the calendar but I have to say that it is well balanced between necessary things and fun stuff. I'll just have to manage my energy level. The practice contractions are coming more often but I think that's normal. Due to the baby still residing right under my stomach, my appetite has gone way down. I'm eating when I'm hungry but I'm not hungry that often. As a result, over last week's vacation I lost 2 pounds. That's after not gaining any for the preceding 2 weeks. Yes, I'm a little concerned but it's obvious that I and the baby have grown over the last week and I'm taking my vitamins so I think everything is still okay. My OB appointment is this Friday so we'll see if anything is said.

Got to get I.'s presents for Bobbi ready and get us ready for the day. Hopefully, it will be a nice, calm Father's Day!

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