Friday, March 18, 2011

V.'s Frustration

After 3 separate phone calls yesterday to the insurance agent, our check was successfully cut at 8pm last night. I talked the contractor into starting work before the check arrived so he and all his hairy-assed friends will be here Monday, banging, sawing, sweating, etc. You get the idea. Yes, I am relieved that we are getting the show on the road but I'm not relishing having lots of men in the house. It's not a big house and between finding an area of seclusion for the parrot and trying to keep the anxiety level of the cats to a minimum not to the mention my and I.'s sanity, it is a daunting task. I'm just going to try to stay out of the house as much as possible. I think that would be best for everyone.

Last night V. threw a mock tantrum about having to continue delaying the hanging of the big screen television that we got for free for his airplane mileage. It's been here since the very beginning of March and I take it that it bothers him to see it sitting there taunting him with its presence. For being such a rational guy, he turns completely illogical on this topic and wants to begin hanging a flat screen in the girls' room - the room without a ceiling and half its walls. The one that men are going to be reconstructing and painting and he wants to hang a tv in there now?! So last night he just couldn't take it any longer and had to do something about it. He has been asking me for at least 2 weeks if I was going to call DirectTV to order the new HD DVR receiver and my answer has been a consistent no. Not because I'm being a brat but because I'm juggling many other annoying phone calls and don't have time to sit on the phone with DirectTV, who is worse than insurance companies, for 30 minutes which is how long I did last time I called. If he wants the HD blah blah blah, then he needs to take care of it. It turns out you can take care of it on the website so he merrily tripped on there last night thinking it was going to be this super easy task. I sat knowing that nothing about DirectTV is easy and just waiting for the frustration and tantrums to begin.

It didn't take long for the fun to begin as V. started to discover the joys of DirectTV and once that started, he just kept at it like a dog with a bone throwing verbal tantrum after verbal tantrum. It was quite entertaining for me and I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. Finally, I sat next to him and we navigated the site together and got to the screen we needed to get to which still did not assuage his frustration because the whole time the site is telling us its going to be "free" until you get to the checkout screen and it then springs it on you that there will be a $6/mth lease cost. Well, that set V. off all over again and he was muttering about that for the rest of the time he was awake. The fun part is that to set him off now and watch the fun, all I have to do is mention the free $6 lease payment and his head will start spinning all over again. I'm going to have fun with this one. And trust me, he does the same thing to me so it's all fair and in good fun.

Today we are finally headed to Sea World to use our passes. We've been trying to get there for the last 3 weeks. Hopefully the strolling will help my back stay loose. Last night in bed, the pain got so bad that when V. left this morning at 4am, I gave up and slept sitting up just so that I could sleep flat on my back. I have to be propped up because at this point in the pregnancy, I can't lie flat but the only position that doesn't cause extreme pain is on my back. Sleeping propped up doesn't make for the most restful sleep but at least I didn't wake up feeling like someone was shoving a hot knife into my back and hip. I've got to be thankful for that I guess. However, the prospect of sleeping sitting up for the next 5 months is not a pleasant one especially when my sleep is so fragmented as is.

Beautiful weather today and a whole relaxing day just I. and I - that makes me very happy.

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