Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Developments

We had another ultrasound for a few more "tests" and we passed with flying colors. I signed the decline form for the amnio so everyone should now leave me alone about that subject.

Here's a sweet pic of our little one. It's hard to see but that shadow in the background is its' hand and it's sucking its thumb. What's It started face down but decided to flip over and see what was going on. V. was there this time to see so it was extra special.

Then the tech said, "Do you want to know what it is because I think I'll be able to tell pretty soon." We said yes and prepared ourselves for a not so surprising, but still very happy, disclosure that we were indeed having another girl. Then she got this arrow going on the screen and pointed at something and said, "Do you see this?" Holy smoly, it looked like a penis. I thought we're either having a very scary girl or that is a boy. Well, thank God, it's not a scary girl. We ARE having a boy!

I still can't believe it and even though I would have been thrilled with another girl, this does add another dimension to this pregnancy. The first pregnancy was special because it was my first pregnancy. Even though this pregnancy is a miracle and the wonder of it all is with me daily, I know what to expect and so some of the mystery isn't there. But now that mystery facet is back because it's a boy. I. is happy and looking forward to wrestling with her little brother once he's old enough - that's kind of how I sold it to her and it worked. Of course, it helps that her place as my baby girl is now permanently hers with no sharing involved. Each night during prayers, she thanks God for our baby and it makes my heart so happy. Though V. won't admit it, he's excited about it too.

I was just sitting here quietly with the television paused and I think I just felt the baby move for the first time. I'm going to be 18 weeks in just a few days so it is very possible. I wasn't even thinking about it when I swear, it felt like I got bumped from the inside on my lower left side. I didn't feel it again but it was significant and different enough to grab my attention so I'm thinking it may have been the first feel. If I feel something similar again in the next couple of days, I'll know I was right.

We are so lucky. I am so lucky. To think that 10 years ago, I was so miserable that I no longer wanted to live and now I have a little guy growing inside of me with a beautiful, kindhearted little girl waiting happily to join our family, and a loyal, hardworking husband with whom I still have a good, playful friendship as well as a strong, loving marriage. I'm glad I made it.

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