Sunday, March 6, 2011

Beautiful Moment

Wonderful, couldn't have gone better, unbelievable. These are the words/phrases to describe how telling I. about the baby went. I didn't anticipate it going badly but because she never has really asked about a baby, I wasn't 100% positive.

We gave her the gift bag with the shirt and she opened it up. Saw her name on there, saw the picture of the curly hair girl and the 2 cats and then pointed at the baby in the little wagon the girl was pulling. She said, "What's this?" I read her what the shirt said "I'm Going To Be A Big Sister." and then didn't say anything to give it a chance to sink in.

She kept looking at the shirt for a couple of seconds thinking about what I said. Then all of a sudden her eyes got really wide and she looked up at me with a big joyful smile on her face. I could see that she understood so I said, "Yes Sweetie, Mommy has a baby in her tummy." She was so happy and said, "But your tummy isn't big!" I said, "Well, it kind of is, you just haven't noticed because I've been hiding it." and then I showed her.

For the rest of the day, she was full of questions. In the afternoon, we read a great book that talked about all the things she was wondering about with pregnancy and she kept saying, "Tell me more about the baby." When I was reading to her tonight, she caressed my belly the whole time and asked if it felt good to the baby. It was just so darn sweet.

My heart swells with love and pride for her little generous, sweet heart. She is going to be such a good big sister.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Hi April,
I just read this post. It was such a perfect way to tell I as only you could do. I am incredibly happy for you and your little family!