Friday, December 3, 2010

Just Remembered

A quick note before I head to bed - something I. said at lunch and because I was making a concerted effort to get a resttime in today, I didn't have time to post it for posterity.

Sometimes when I. spends a couple of nights at my parents' house, I'll ask her, "Did you miss me?" and when she inevitably says no, I tell her, "Of course you didn't. You were having so much fun with Bubbi and Bobbi." I'm not trying to guilt her; I ask out of curiosity.

Today we were eating lunch. Yesterday was her long school day due to a science class that she loves in the morning before her regular class. So she went to school at 10:30 instead of 12:30. Out of the blue she says, "I missed you yesterday while I was at school." I said, "Really? What did you miss about me?" And she said, "Just hanging out with you." Awww, stab me in the heart. I felt the same way after such a wonderful Thanksgiving week together. Beautiful and wonderful, but it hurt a little. Because though I never got tired of hanging out with my mommy, I can't count on that in the future with I.. I can just hope and pray that even though I'm not her friend, I'll still be one of her favorite people to hang out with.

Oh, also for posterity because I'll forget with all the woulds, coulds, and shoulds...I asked I. last night what she was thinking of asking Santa for. She thought quite a few minutes and then said, "I want a costume dress for Bubbi (my mom and her favorite playperson) that has a picture of her and I holding hands, laughing." To clarify I said, "So you want your present from Santa to be a costume for Bubbi?" She answered, "Is that going to be hard for him to find?" I'm so lucky to have such a kind hearted kid.

I'll be sure and use that kind hearted kid defense with V. tomorrow when our plan to give a needy, homeless cat(s) some love is met with horror. It's just part of my master plan to raise a human being with compassion and empathy for people and animals who are in need.

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