Sunday, February 21, 2010

Retraction of Previous Post

Around 1:00, V. got back from taking the girls home and heading to the gym and when I came down from putting I. down for a rest, he says he has a present for me. So it turns out that he did get a Christmas present, after all that emotional pain. He said they didn't have it yesterday but got it in today. It's a little bit of a strange gift for me at this time in my life, but I'm not complaining. He got me Bose sound cancelling headphones. It is pretty amazing when you turn them on - you feel like you've gone deaf all of a sudden. I say it's strange because when V.'s here, I wouldn't want to use them obviously and when he's not, I'm watching tv and working on the computer and am on call for I. I can use them at resttime when I. is upstairs shaking the house and I may use them tomorrow morning when that damn dog up the hill starts barking its head off at 6:30am. However, I don't think I can sleep on my side with them on but I'm pretty desperate at that time in the morning. I know, I know, I'm spoiled but I really only get good sleep after 4:30am so this is prime time sleep for me. I like my gift but I probably won't get as much use of it now than I will in a couple of years (maybe).

The only thing I wish from this experience is that V. would have realized that since everyone had gotten their gifts, that I would have assumed he wasn't getting anything for me. He could have easily said this morning, "Your gift is coming." and I wouldn't have gone through that pain. So we're back at the lack of communication. Better than the issue of this morning though. I'll take it.

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