Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another Good Day

I. and I have been having many more good days together. I think it has something to do with school but I'm not sure what exactly is causing it. She has been less defiant which has been so much better than the last 6 months or so.

Yesterday we had to stand in line for 3 hours to get her H1N1 and seasonal flu shot (3rd try at this) and she was really good. I thought it was going to be absolutely torturous but she held it together, ran home for me to make her lunch to eat in the car and her to change into shorts, got her to school on time miraculously, and then headed to PT. It was a special day at school for her, many different activities in different classrooms and I wanted to see it too so after PT, I went back to her school and spent the last hour helping out.

When I walked in, her face registered utter surprise and then lit up. From that moment on, I could tell she was completely jazzed that I was there and wanted to show me everything, play with me, and sit in my lap. It was special because I'm smart enough to know that these days are limited. I'm glad I did it because today I got lots more kisses and affection and she volunteered to help with various tasks cheerfully. A much easier day than normal. Tonight while she was eating dinner, she said, "I want you to come to church with me Momma. (she has 15 min. of chapel once a week) I like when you come to church with me." My heart swelled, my eyes teared up a little and I said, "I like when I come to church with you too Sweetie."

This is what being a mother is all about. The personal sacrifices, the frustrations, the sleepless nights, and exhaustion...it all comes down to this - she craves my presence as much as I crave hers. Truly beautiful!

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