Thursday, June 4, 2009

Vacation Experience Part II

I can't believe that I'm writing this on the last evening of our vacation. It seems like the first few days of our vacation goes by nice and slowly and then speeds up as the week progresses. Once again, I'm out on the patio enjoying the nice warm air, the sounds of birds, reading and relaxing. I just finished feeding a duck that comes by each evening - he climbs on the patio, walks up to the door and stands there with his beak on the window waiting for me. Being an animal lover, I really like this. In the mornings, we have a whole gaggle (yes, I know that's for geese but maybe it applies to ducks too) that come on our patio, surrounding us as we feed them. I. and I have really enjoyed our mornings out on the patio, drinking her milk and feeding the ducks.

I've also enjoyed, for the most part, my PPP status (see previous post for definition) this week. I. is at an age and swimming level that she wants to swim on her own but with me in the pool. My job was to invent different games and scenarios for us to play out and it was a lot of fun. Yes, there were moments when I just really wanted to read a magazine in the sun but overall, it was good. I realize that these are perfect opportunities to make special memories, outside of our normal daily life, and I want her to remember how her and her momma played, laughed, kissed, and acted silly together in the pool every day for an entire week. These are precious moments that will never come around again.

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