Friday, June 19, 2009

First Time Ever

Today, I. ended the day in the same underpants that she started the day with - FIRST TIME EVER. If you're not a parent, especially the one primarily supervising potty training, the excitement of this may go over your head. However, considering that yesterday was a horrible potty training day, this is especially exciting. I. was just peeing all over the place even soaking her car seat on the way home and this right after I asked her if she needed to go and she said no. I know they say not to turn the training into a power struggle but in this case, I'm finding it works better to just say, "We're going to the bathroom now." and pick her up and carry her to the potty even if she fights me. I'm quickly learning that while potty training books and other mother's advice are nice, every kid is different and you really just need to try everything to see what will work even if the books say it's the wrong thing to do.

I need to start trusting my own instinct more and not worry that it's the "wrong" thing to do unless I can see myself that it's not working.

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