Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Firsts

I can't believe it's Christmas Eve already....I can remember last Christmas Eve like it was last week.  When you're an adult, life goes fast but when you're a parent it just races by.

A pleasant surprise was that V. was downstairs working instead of going into the office like he said he was. That gives us 5 days with him (well, I. 4 days since she'll be at my parents' house after Christmas).  It's a treat.

I. is so excited but thankfully her 4:18 am wake-up time caused her to be asleep by 5:30. As I braided her hair tonight, I remembered how excited I was on Christmas Eve though I had a much harder time falling asleep.  This will be the first year that she will have her brother in the room to hang out on Christmas morning.

Tonight I set up our table which was a last minute compilation of a non-creative person but I think it's going to look really nice.  I didn't finish it in case D. decided to pull the tablecloth in one fatal swoop.  I also filled 3 stockings, put the Santa presents out and wrote the Santa letter.  Oh and before I forget, I. lost ANOTHER tooth (she lost one 3 days ago) so not only am I Santa tonight, I'm the Tooth Fairy too!

No wonder I"m tired and ready for bed.  I hope for a good Christmas.  I know we'll have one tomorrow morning with our kids but I also hope for a smooth, relaxed one for the rest of the day including my parents.  Sometimes it's time to take the stress off the parents and shift it onto the kids.  Unfortunately in my case, it's the KID but I have hope for my brother.


Haddock said...

Yes Christmas is here and now very soon the next year will be over us.
Merry Christmas :-)

Cheryl said...

I hopw it was wonderful and maybe even magical!
Happy New Year!