Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Catching Up & Project Management

Yes I know it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post.  It's been busy, project kind of busy.  I had to get the annual photo albums done for the grandparents in time for the 50% off sale.  I couldn't miss that sale and sleep well, well as well as I even typically sleep at night.  I planned on getting these photo books done ahead of time and but being sick for 2 weeks took care of that.  This led to finishing the book up at 11:45 pm, a whole 15 minutes ahead of the midnight sale deadline.

As soon as I was done with the photo book, it was onto project number 2 - online Christmas shopping.  That took about 4-5 nights.  Purchasing a gift is easy online, it's the finding the right gifts for people that takes so long.

Next nighttime project was going through I.'s clothes for a big donation by the end of the year.  Since I've saved all her clothes for the past 7 years and my parents were well financed at that time and big shoppers ta boo, there were a lot of clothes to go through and decide what to keep and what to give away.  At times it was painfully sentimental and I would find myself crying as I remembered I. wearing certain items and what she and I had been doing at the time.  Sometimes I feel like we are far from that place and it makes me sad.  But I'm working on that and I'm helping I. work on it too and the last couple of days, it has been better so there is hope.

My current nighttime project is Christmas present wrapping which surprisingly takes awhile and usually involves back pain and my last project that I hope to take care of before New Year's is baby equipment donation to help clear out the garage even further.

This is the most boring post I've ever read but I have to admit, it helped to mentally clear things out of my head and helps me to acknowledge that I've gotten quite a bit done the last couple of months, all of it after my 2 full-time jobs aka the kids have gone to bed and V.'s been on travel.  I think I'll give myself a pat on the back.

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