Wednesday, December 19, 2012

And This Is How It Happens

The country is wondering how in the world someone could be living with a kid who is obviously mentally ill and out of control and not get help for them?  Here's how.

I called my mom for our weekly phone call and she sounded depressed which is not like my mom.  I won't go into all the details of that except for the one which pertains to this subject.  My sister, who is a narcissistic jerk when she's on her meds, decided three months ago that she would stop her meds and weekly appointments to her psychiatrist and psychologist as well as Narconon meetings resulting in my mom getting a phone call this week that my sister was getting kicked out of the house she was renting a room from by this weekend.  Let me clarify...she's not renting it, my unemployed with unemployment-benefits-being-terminated-this-month parents are paying for as well as her weekly groceries.  She was getting kicked out because she was acting crazy, the woman was afraid of her and if that wasn't enough, these people left for the weekend and while they were gone, my fucking loon of a sister threw their belongings into a dumpster.

My mother calls my sister's psychiatrist that SHE pays for and asks him what she can do.  He can't speak to her because my sister's an adult, actually tells her "good luck", and hangs up on my mother.

This is why we have theater killings and school shootings.  Something needs to be done to get over 18's mental help.  Why can't the sane people prevail?

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