Monday, April 11, 2011

Bizarro House

After a busy weekend trying to get the house put back together again, I got up early today since there was supposed to be someone here to finish (yes that's right FINISH) the last of the construction process between 8 and 9 am. Then the inevitable phone call came, you know the one that says, "Oh, someone won't be there until the afternoon. I'll have him call you to let him in." Uh, no don't have him call me; we're leaving in half an hour and will be gone most of the day. It will be a miracle if this guy and the plumber make it in this house this afternoon and that everything is really, truly finished. Yesterday V. got a very good taste of what life has been like in this house when he was home at noon waiting for the DirectTV guy to show up. I warned him, I really did about the frustrations of DirectTV because in the past, I've been the one to deal with them. I don't know if he thought I was exaggerating but soon he learned that I wasn't. When he made the appointment via computer, he requested the 12-4 service window. After it accepted this window, it sent him an email saying that the window was 12-5. That should have been warning enough. Here's the short translation: 12-4 means 12-5 which means 11am which means 3-4pm which in actuality translates to the guy showing up at 1pm. I thought V.'s head was going to explode trying to comprehend all that and I just had to giggle because this has been one of my frustrations for the past 2 weeks. Then, after all that, it turns out that we can't get a HD satellite signal due to a tree, a specific tree that is on the hill next to our house. How Google Earth can get a picture of someone's dog taking a dump on the street of San Francisco via satellite and we can't get one lousy signal into our home is beyond me. So now V. is distressed that he has a beautiful 55" HD tv on the wall receiving a shitty analog signal and I don't really blame him. That's on his list of things to figure out though, not mine. Thank God.

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