Friday, August 31, 2007

A Little Goes A Long Way

Today I tried to keep in mind the realization of last night's post and it actually helped make the day more pleasant and go more smoothly. When The Baby was throwing her fits this morning, I stayed calm and tried to resolve them and if I needed to hand down consequences, I did it quickly and with as little emotion as possible. I felt better and she also seemed to bounce back and recover more quickly than other days.

Another thing I learned today is that random acts of affection towards her goes a long way. She would be playing by herself and out of nowhere, I would come up and give her a hug and kiss and then go back to what I was doing. I noticed she played longer by herself, was less demanding of my attention, stayed in a good mood longer, and was more physically affectionate with me overall. So I will definitely be putting this little tidbit into daily effect and hope that it will continue to work.

The Baby's impetigo on her face returned today and now I have antibiotic ointment to try and put on her face three times a day. This of course turns into the most annoying power struggle. As soon as I put it on, she wipes it off unless I hold her down for a few minutes which is almost impossible and unpleasant for both of us so I just try to distract but she won't fall for distraction. Oh well, seven days, three times a day - okay, so that's only 21 times total that I will have to practice deep breathing and lots of patience.

Soon I'd like to post my mental tug a war and fears/concerns about having #2. Overall, I think what it boils down to is a lack of confidence in myself as a parent and what I feel is a patience problem. But I want to let it percolate a little longer before I post about it.

That's it for today - still in recovery from the stomach virus. Until next time...

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