Monday, October 15, 2012

It's Not What You're Doing But Who You're Doing It With

Mondays typically mean grocery shopping for D. and I.  Not what I would have considered a fun outing in the past yet with D., it's a great time.  A time for us to hang out face to face, looking at things, smiling at people (mostly D.), and being silly.

Today was no exception and the best part was that we got home a little earlier than we usually do so after getting all the groceries put away and our lunches eaten, there was still some time to sit down and play with him before afternoon nap.  Not that he wasn't enjoying himself walking around with his water cup in hand, taking a little of this and that out and hanging out on the bottom stairs.  I sat down on the floor and started to build up the soft blocks for him to knock down happily and then we played balls for awhile.  It didn't take long before he was throwing himself into my arms and giving me love.  That's what I love about D. - when I do play with him, he is very effusive with his affection towards me.  It's like an immediate payoff which is really nice to receive.

Children often seem like an investment especially as they get older, you keep putting in the attention and effort which may or may not yield a direct payoff but you're always hoping that at the end of the investing period, you'll have something to show for it.

So for now in these sweet, early-ish days of D.'s childhood, I will relish these immediate payoffs and try to sock the memory away for the inevitable future days when I will wonder when the payoff will arrive.

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