Monday, January 16, 2012

Day Off

I. had today off from school and we enjoyed our time together. On days that she doesn't have school, she is much more easy going, able to entertain herself for periods of time, creative, and cheerful. Basically, she's more fun to be around and requires much less emotion energy and patience. What's odd is that it's still a different vibe than on weekends, another time she doesn't have school. It must be Daddy's presence - it elicits new and different demands on her part and probably results in additional emotions and needs generated by him being home. We had a good day with the morning spent getting stuff done (ie. laundry, chiropractor etc.) and the afternoon being more play time. We got panninis at Vons for a special lunch treat since I had to go and get some coldcuts for V., came home and ate them, and then I got D. down for a nap. Even though it was supershort (35 min.), we were able to play a game the whole time and that was fun. Then I surprised her by taking her for frozen yogurt which is a special treat for both of us. An interesting tidbit came out while we were talking today. I know she loves school which is great but today she said that she looks at the clock all the time while she's in school looking to see if it's time to come home because she wants to come home. I never would have guessed that. I mean she is excited when I pick her up from school but she's also really excited in the morning when she's walking into class. Yet now that I think about it, although she has never been clingy, we always stand close to each other during the morning pledges and without fail, she gives me a big hug and kiss when it's time to walk in. She appears outwardly to be perfectly happy to be going to school and I think in most ways she probably is but inside I am beginning to suspect that part of her really does miss me, though she won't admit it often. I'll have to keep this new knowledge in mind.

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