Friday, January 13, 2012

Things I Learned Today

1. My daughter is a turtle, soft on the inside and tough on the outside. I know, don't say it, she's just like me. Probably even worse considering V.'s issues with showing emotion. V. got home late last night so didn't leave until 6:15am for work (very very late for him) and I. was waving by to him from her bedroom window. I called him on the phone while he was in the garage to get him to come back since I was up with D. and racing to get down there to say goodbye (for a change). V. came back in and I., D. and I went traipsing downstairs to give him a hug etc. when I noticed something glistening on I.'s cheek. When I asked what it was, all hell broke loose. Turns out that she had been crying while she was waving goodbye to V. earlier before I called him and we all ran down there. So this triggered major crying, sobbing and sadness all before 6:30am. V. had to run so I consoled I. and then cheered her up by having D. grab on her back with his little hand. That always can make a person feel better. While he and she hung out and I was getting ready for the day, I thought long and hard about how she hates to show those tough emotions - sadness, disappointment etc. When I went upstairs to fix her hair and get D., I talked with her about how God created emotions and whatever God creates is good, right? She agreed so I moved on with how there are emotions that make us feel good and ones that hurt but they are all okay because God gave them to us. So it's okay to cry and feel sad and it's okay to show it, much better than holding it in and feeling tight inside. The way I explained it, I think she got it, at least I think she did. 2. My son is turning into a chow hound and I'm happy about it. Last Saturday we started oatmeal, one big whole tablespoon of it. After 4 days of that, we moved on to avocado. I mean, if I'm trying to get meat on this kid's bones what better way than a super nutrient dense, fat avocado and it is listed on one of the best first foods. From the get-go, D. was all over avocado - loved it, lip smacking and everything. Today was day 3 of avocado and after the first cube of it was gone and he realized that was it, he started crying. Not to mention that he was almost bent in half trying to get closer to the spoon. So I gave him another cube that he also devoured and then finished up with another tablespoon of oatmeal. All this in addition to the same amount of breastfeedings, I'm liking it. We'll see what morning weigh-in is tomorrow... 3. I'm pretty modest but I'm also a second time mother and I had no problem breastfeeding D. in the outdoor eating area of the UTC mall today. Nothing was showing really but it kind of made me laugh. 4. If I want D. to take a long morning nap, all I have to do is make plans for the morning after he wakes up. You've heard of the saying "Man makes plans and God laughs."? Well this is my version "Mommy makes plans and D. naps."

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