Friday, December 2, 2011

The Morning After

I did the last feeding late for D. last night (finished @11:10) so he woke up at 4:45am for his next feeding. Yes, part of me rejoiced that I got 4.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep but part of me was stressing because I had a sneaking suspicion that D. would not go back to sleep.

I was right, he didn't go back to sleep but I didn't feel too bad since my sleep was uninterrupted. I let him fuss in his bed for 30 minutes until it was 6:10 and starting to get light in my bedroom. Then I cranked open the blinds to let in more light and got him up. My thought process was that I only want to greet him and get him up for the day when it is nice and light. No, I can't make him go back to sleep at 5:30 but it's still dark then and if I get him up and start socializing with him while it is dark, this is sending the wrong message to him.

So at 6:10, I got him up, set him on the pillow with me with his head facing the sliding glass door with the great view of his favorite...big trees with light behind it...and we stared at the view and snuggled until 6:30. For someone who is definitely not a morning person (ME), it was a really sweet way to begin the day.

At 6:30, I.'s door popped open and it was time for me to start getting ready for the day. So I took D. into her room for their morning time and when I came into her room, she immediately said, "I saw what you wrote." with a big smile and read it to me. Then she said, "I wrote something for you." She turned the page and what do I see but that she has copied most of what I wrote for her but tailored it to her momma plus a little more. My heart was full. We've turned a new leaf now that she can read because now I can easily slip her notes of love here and there and not only can she read them, they touch her heart and soul.

I've been reading a lot lately and my major goal is to help her connect to and voice her emotions. She has the emotions of a female/me but the reticence of V. which is not a good combination. I've got my work cut out for me but this week I did well with helping her identify how she was feeling and right afterwards, it was like she couldn't stop telling me things about school and what was going on. Like the floodgates were opened so I know I'm on the right path. I just have to be diligent about it.

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