Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More Good Stuff

Some more good stuff to celebrate after a physically ill weekend:

Is it wrong that I am so stoked with how much D. talks to me and the way that he smiles at me? He smiles at other people but I swear if you could see how he looks straight into my eyes and then his smile overtakes his entire face and being, you would see what I'm talking about. It just does something to me physically, to my heart, to my soul. His eyes and expression reach into me and touch something so deep that it makes me tear up without realizing it but with a huge smile on my face. He smiles at others and may coo here and there at I. and V. but not to the extent and immediately like he does with me. Maybe I shouldn't be so happy about it but honestly, after all the physical sacrifices I've made willingly for this little guy and the ongoing challenges I've been facing as a result, there should be some additional benefits I reap as a result, right?

This afternoon, D. decided he wasn't going to fall asleep for an afternoon nap after he shot out a dump so I gave I. a heads up that resty time was over, threw him into the sling on me, and we headed out for a nature walk so that both of us could get some fresh fall air while D. took a much needed nap. It turned into a blessing for all concerned. D. fell asleep immediately which was the entire point. I. enjoyed looking at the Halloween decorations around the neighborhood plus gathering up autumn leaves etc. in a bag I gave her before we left. And I enjoyed the warm sun and cool air of typical San Diego fall weather plus hearing I. telling me several times how great this nature walk was and how much fun she was having. With all the challenges I've been having with her, the adjustments to two kids, and feeling like I wasn't doing a good job with both of them, it was wonderful to see her happy and basking in our nature walk. We will have to do this more often.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

This is good stuff!!!!!!!!!!