Monday, November 7, 2011

Evening Observations

Quick thoughts before heading to bed...

My baby girl is turning 6 on Wednesday. Why I thought that having 2 kids would make it easier is beyond me. I'll be teary eyed as I write her birthday letter tomorrow night. Six years ago tonight is when I went into labor with her. I'm so proud of her. By her sheer determination, she has taught herself how to read. I love hanging out with her side by side, listening to what she says because it gives me a glimpse into her complicated, but always thinking brain. The way her brain works and her heart feels is more like me every year but the way she deals with negative and strong emotions is more like V. which causes a real internal conflict. God help me to know how to help her with that.

My baby boy just turned 3 months yesterday. In some ways it seems like yesterday he was here and in many ways it seems like forever thanks to the nighttime feedings and not enough sleep. He continues to amaze me with his good nature. That really is the phrase to describe him. He can doze off for 10 minutes, wake up, and smile at me. Of course, don't get me wrong, he is still a little guy. So after he woke up at 5:15am this morning for the day, by 7:15 he was miserably tired and crying off and on until I put him in the sling. Then he quietly communed with my chest though not falling asleep until it was time to take I. to school. On the way home, he cried intermittently for 5 minutes and then passed out. As the mother of an intense first child, I have to say I really, really appreciate that. I. would have just gone to the red zone and screamed without falling asleep until I took her out of that damn car seat. Like I said, good natured this boy is and I'll add calm, easy going, and happy to the mix. That being said, I still only got 5.5 hours of sleep last night...

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Hope you are enjoying the reflections of the past year with I. There is much to reflect on right? Happy Birthday to I tomorrow!