Monday, April 27, 2009

Really Tired - Why?

I know I'm not the only one to have ever felt this way but I'm just so tired! I really think it's due to daylight savings time which added an extra hour to my work day. You wouldn't think that would make a difference but honestly, it does. It's not like I'm out of shape (no, I'm not skinny) but I do work out on average 5 days a week. But this afternoon, when I. was in the bath and I was running around picking up clothes/toys/books, bundling up the dirty diapers, de-catastrophizing the crib, getting pjs ready, I realized, "Damn I'm tired!" Being a SAHM is difficult but you know what, it's physically tiring. Try picking up a 35 lb. child numerous times a day, carting them up and down 4 flights of stairs - add a gym backpack, diaper bag, recycling, groceries, other errand bags and voila, I'm tired! And that's just the physical side of things. Add to that, the emotional tidal waves of a 3 year old (PATIENCE!) and trying to remain a good, loving, productive wife. Okay, now I'm exhausted.

I'm not complaining. It's just been that I've been puzzled as to why I've been so tired the past month and I was starting to get down on myself. Instead for once, I started delving into the "why" instead of berating myself and got down to a rational explanation. Hopefully, I'll start acclimating to this new workday and have a little more energy for the end of the day. If not soon, I'll have to find new strategies to wind up less tired at 7 pm.

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