Friday, January 30, 2009

A Christmas Night Of Sorts

Santa came to our house today in the form of V. I surprised I. with the news that we were picking up Daddy at the airport this morning and I. ran circles around the living room, she was that excited. We got all dressed up and made sure we had our balloon for Daddy.

We were so excited and a little overwhelmed when Daddy appeared but by the time we made it to baggage claim, we were feeling more normal.

A valuable life lesson - everything will be okay as long as you can hold your Daddy's hand...

Finishing up our first day together....

Right now, our house is happy, healthy, content, and complete. What more could I possibly ask for? My answer - absolutely nothing!


Diana Duke said...

My heart bursts with joy! Hope that you all have a fantastic time together!

Anonymous said...

What a way to capture joy and happiness. My favorite is "holding daddy's hand" and "watching daddy sleep." Enjoy every minute of being together. See you soon.