Friday, February 20, 2009

Twitter Vs. Epiphany

Like most of my postings, I'm starting this one before giving it a title. It just seems like most of my post titles evolve as I'm writing them. And yes, I've been negligent in my blogging. Part of it is that V. was home for a whole 2 weeks and I was saving my words and thoughts for him - a sort of upload to his brain, as opposed to the blog, while he was still here. But now, yet again he's gone probably for 5 weeks this time...

The other thing that I realized is interfering with my postings is this perceived need to have some sort of epiphany in order to blog. I really don't want my blog to turn into some sort of a Twitter kind of thing - any random thought entering my brain does not need to be broadcast to the world. However, it shouldn't require an epiphany in order to blog. So, I need to find a happy medium between Twitter and epiphanies.

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