Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's Approaching

D.'s first birthday is quickly approaching and I feel like each day it's approaching more quickly.  His actual birth has been on my mind lately and each time I think about it, I'm so thankful for having that experience, our beautiful experience.  Getting to do it the way I really wanted to was such a blessing and I'll just never forget it.

I've also thinking a lot about the days just before he was born probably because next week is VBS.  I remember fervently praying that I would make it past VBS so that I. could attend the whole thing uninterrupted.  And I did, by a matter of hours.  I was having some contractions that last VBS day but was still a couple of weeks away from his due date so I didn't get too concerned.  But the day after VBS, I. and I went to my doctor's appointment where I was told there was no change and that it looked like I still had a couple of weeks to go even though I was having contractions.  Then we walked over to the cafeteria to have lunch, which was a big deal to I., because I had to have the stress test in the afternoon.  During the stress test, I. played video games and I laid there listening to D.'s heart beat and feeling him thrash around in my belly.  The nurse came in and looked at the paper strip and made a comment about all the contractions I was having.  Afterwards as we were walking back over to the doctor's office, a contraction hit strong enough to make me stop, grab my belly and have to catch my breath.  That's when I thought, oh boy I think this might be the start of the real thing...which it was.

And now I'm looking at the box just delivered today full of D.'s first birthday decorations and I just cannot believe how fast this year has gone.  It's been so full of joy, happiness, and a deep contentment and knowing that I/we have truly been blessed by D.  He brought a completeness to our family and to each one of us individually and does so every single day.

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