Saturday, March 19, 2011

Magical Momma Day

Yesterday was one of those magical momma days for I. and I. You know those days when you and your kid(s) really enjoy each other's company and have a stress-free, no meltdown day together - that's a magical momma day in my book. Well yesterday was our turn.

We leisurely got ready and went to Sea World and enjoyed perfect weather. Sunny with a cool breeze. I. waited happily in line for the Elmo's World rides and throughout the whole day, never let go of my hand. We laughed, relaxed, and talked. We enjoyed eating our lunch outside, talking about the social situations that arise at preschool and how to best navigate them. We snuggled close during the animal shows and enjoyed a sweet snack before we headed back to the car. Best of all, I received spontaneous hugs both for myself and the baby and quite a few unsolicited kisses. When we walked to the car, I. said "I had fun today!" and did a little happy dance.

These moments of just her and I are so special to me. I know just because another one is coming it doesn't spell the end of "her and I" time but it will make it more difficult and have to be planned out. So for now, I am enjoying every moment of easy peasy one on one time with I. and I can see she's enjoying it too.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

What a precious memory!