I know I wrote a post about wanting to make this next year really count but I can't seem to find that post. Today in the shower, after getting I. in bed, this topic popped in my mind (if it's not the treadmill, it's the shower - the times when my mind relaxes and wanders). And it hit me - I've done two things memorably and singularly.
First, I was a loyal, loving friend to Mark. I was there in the good, the stressful, the happy, and then at the bitter end and Mark knew I was there. Of course, he was there for me during the good, the stressful, the bad, and the happy times.
Secondly, I've really been trying to become an exceptional momma these past several months, compensating for a daddy that has to work far away often and trying to make fun, special memories despite obstacles. I don't think I'm quite exceptional but I think I'm a better momma now than I have been so far. I cherish this knowledge because this is being reflected in I.'s life and mind. She's now old enough to retain the memories of what her and I do and what I say to her. Today, I took her to Coldstone (free coupon for her birthday) and told her I was so proud of her for not talking back to me, obeying me, and not wetting her undies as much that I was rewarding her with an ice cream (a big deal). While we were eating our kid sized yogurts (yes, we got yogurts at Coldstone's), I asked her if she was happy and she said, "Yes, because we're here together." and gave me this big, happy grin.
That touched my heart because she probably thinks that from this exchange: we drop V. off at the airport and inevitably at some time I. says "I miss Daddy." I say, "I miss Daddy too. I'm glad we have each other or I'd really be sad. At least we have each other, that makes me happy." We truly have been working as a team - we take care of the cats together in the morning, play with them in the afternoon, clean up the house, and sometimes move the laundry along. In all this, I. knows that I love her and like her and while she may want to marry me (so cute) and considers me her best friend (again so cute), she also understands that I'm in charge. She's pretty clear that all I really expect from her is to listen and obey without back talking, tell the truth, and not to whine. Anything else over and above those 3 things is icing on the cake and lately, we've had quite a bit of icing! This is one of those times that I hope this isn't just a passing phase but a foundation that we can build on for the next 14 years until she is responsible for herself. I can only hope and pray and yes, keep my fingers cross, knock on wood, and all the other superstitions that can't possibly hurt!
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