Back to the Monday morning reentry to single momma life. I. is extra whiny and high maintenance. She just finished a huge bowl of high fiber cereal with a ton of strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries plus half a banana yet is whining continually now that she is hungry NOW NOW NOW. I swear to God, I feel like I should take this kid to the doctor 'cause how can that be? It's not just every so often folks that this happens, basically it's after every meal. It's SO frustrating because I give her a lot of food; good, nutritious, high fiber food to keep her healthy and to fill her up. This whining for food right after the meal is not helping my anxiety about how the hell I am going to be on a plane for almost 5 hours and have enough food to keep her from whining and melting down. Because I seriously doubt she's going to like any significant amount of food that the airline may have for purchase.
I'm already bringing cashews, string cheese, and protein/snack bars (as low sugar as I could find to prevent bouncing off the walls) and plan to buy as much food as I can carry and find in the little stores past the security checkpoint. If only they would let you bring peanut butter and jelly sandwiches through security. Those things are the only things that buy me about 45 minutes with I.'s appetite.
Anyways, enough about that. I wasn't planning on writing about that but then all I was hearing was "Mommy, I'm pungry!" over and over again and it hijacked the post. Not much to write about, just a normal day of getting things done with some fun thrown in there. A little Monday morning blahs thrown in - a sign that it was a good weekend for our little family and for V. and I. We shared quite a few laughs and private jokes and it was nice to just hang out by ourselves. Now he's off again...sigh.
And this week of Mark memories looms in my mind. I'm trying to keep concentrated on our trip to Puerto Rico next week, but until we get there and I. is sleeping, the thought of the trip has a lot of anxiety attached to it. If we were all travelling together, it would be different because I would have help, distractions for I. But we're not and so it falls on me. You would think I would have grown accustomed to this fact but instead it just builds up, becomes unruly and overwhelming. I just need to picture myself on that patio, overlooking that beautiful ocean, reading a book and sipping (or gulping) a rum drink. Ahhhh....
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