First, I got up from the breakfast table to find that a disk had moved onto my sciatic nerve and I couldn't get it to go back where it should have been. Agony! I hobbled upstairs to get ready so that I could go to the chiropractor before the gym and I. decides this was a good time to melt down into a whiny, crying tantrum. When I told her to go to her room, she wouldn't so I with my back and shoulder pain, had to lug her to her room.
I'm lying on my stomach at the chiropractor in agony as she is trying to coax the disk back where it's supposed to be and I. gets on a chair I've told her repeatedly not to and falls off of it. Very little pain but it scared her and added to that "whack job" quality of the day, she starts screaming her full head off. Off the table I crawl, pick her up, and begin trying to console her but she's off and running and things are escalating (can you say "whack job"?). A quick visit to the bathroom accompanied by the issued threat of strapping her in the car seat and locking her in the car is met with immediate compliance.
Finally the back gets fixed and we're off to the gym. That's when I. decides to turn up the aggravation factor and whine the entire ride that she's hungry. She's hungry because she was too excited to eat all her breakfast so now that has to be dealt with. At the gym, I somehow located all 4 of the 30 treadmills that aren't working before I finally find a working one. Not helping.
Afterwards, I. is too excited to finish her lunch, meaning that I'm going to have to deal with that yet AGAIN before the day is over. My parents get to the house and leave within 2 hours, leaving a whirlwind of mess in the living room and a hungry, exhausted 4 year old. She finally eats a good sized meal and is helping me make my dinner for later (something we both enjoy doing) and things are going well until I tell her she's not old enough to stir the ingredients in a hot skillet. This after she almost touched the side of it trying to stir after I told her not to. Normally, it wouldn't have been a big deal but on par for the day, she throws herself on the floor shrieking and screaming at the top of her lungs. Basically, she just came completely unhinged and it was all I could do to get her upstairs to the bath.
That's when I called my friend Terry to tell him "Good God Almighty! I am so capital-D-O-N-E, DONE!" and he distracted me enough with humor and perspective that I was good after 10 minutes. Thank God for friends.
I won't even comment on the cat crap issue that took place at 11pm. Nothing like cleaning that up right before going to sleep. On the humorous side, I came down from putting I. to bed, I checked in on the butterflies and there were 2 sets of copulating butterflies with the odd man out butterfly fluttering around like crazy. Poor thing!
Hoping for a better day today... need to let yesterday go and wipe the slate clean. Easier said than done.
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