Friday, November 9, 2012

I. Turns Seven

This day seven years ago, I became a mommy more specifically I.'s mommy.  What a special title to be blessed that I always figured would happen but as the years ticked by, I wondered if it would ever would come about.

But thankfully it did and since that first time I held her, I have loved my baby girl.

During the middle of the night feedings with her, I would pray for all the things I wished for her and her life.  I may no longer have those nighttime feedings with her but I still pray for many of the same things for her along with some more specific things that she's working on.  She is a great kid and as we found out today at parent/teacher conferences, she is known for being kind to everyone at school and is well liked.

I'm having a hard time writing tonight because I am really feeling sick and I have been since Tuesday.  Every morning I wake up hoping that I will feel better only to make it to 9am and realize that I need to lie down while D. is napping if there is to be any hope of making it through until his afternoon nap.  There has been so much to do in preparation for I.'s birthday:  making cupcakes to take to I.'s class today, birthday cake and lunch baking for her party tomorrow and taking care of last minute details for her class party on Sunday.  All this with a brutal sore throat, exhaustion, earache, sneezing and dry cough.  Plus my oven isn't working properly causing baking disasters and extra cooking and aggravation the last 2 days and then of course the bracket holding the entire garage door assembly shirred off late this afternoon, leading to a hectic and exhausting bedtime session of me juggling the kids and calling for service (can't have an open garage door all weekend) while V. was seeing if he could fix it.  I've really got to go to bed early tonight and pray that I feel better, even just a little bit, so that I can enjoy I.'s family party tomorrow as much as possible.

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