After my "balls to the wall" day yesterday and the knowledge that I have many more of those in the next 2 weeks, I shouldn't have been surprised that my brain translated the chaos into a slew of unpleasant dreams last night. Dreams that involved me on the back of a motorcycle going too fast, almost slipping off at every turn on a dark, traffic-filled road. Dreams of somebody asking me why I was upset and me replying, "Because Mark just died last week." It took me awhile to fall asleep after that one but I finally did only to be woken up by I. crying and sobbing at the top of her lungs, screaming "Baby Bear!" He had the audacity to fall out of her bed out of her reach and though there are 20 other stuffed animals for her to play with, Baby Bear is her special lovey so there was no consoling her. Of course, some of this reaction I suspect is due to I. falling asleep last night. The combination of the class stuffed animal going home with us and her excitement about the special "camp" she's going to this morning before class didn't help in that regard.
I know all this but honestly after those dreams and the fact that it was too early, I went in there, took her diaper off and told her to read books for a little while until I came back in. Then I climbed back in bed to try to recreate a more relaxed and leisurely version of waking up. Even with the cats stomping all of the bed (and me) with their demands of breakfast, I was able to pull it off after 20 minutes and got up less grumpy.
Today is not as hectic but still busy. After I drop I. off at her camp this morning, I've got to go find a birthday present for a party tomorrow and pick up some flowers for my grandfather's grave (his birthday is tomorrow). Then home to make some phone calls and have a peaceful lunch (looking forward to that!) and then off to the dentist before picking I. up at preschool. That dentist appointment had better go REALLY well considering the amount of work I've been putting in. If they still say there are gum issues, I'm going to be so pissed off. To complicate things, the corner of my mouth split open yesterday and it's painful to open my mouth even a little bit, let alone all the way like the evil dental tech requires. So it should be interesting. As though I needed anything else to dread besides just the dental appointment itself!
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