Sunday, December 11, 2011


I should be going to bed right now since I've been up since 4:30 am. but as always, I try to stretch my adult, me time as much as possible. I'll be berating myself tomorrow morning I suspect.

It appears that D. is going through a growth spurt. I put him to bed at the same time as always, except he's been waking up 2.5 hours later hungry. I feed him again around 10ish yet still get woken up at 4 something. I feed him, get him back down, he dozes off for a short time. But before I can fall back asleep he's up again for the day. Yes, we had a nice snuggle time in bed, complete with an extra nursing and a catnap for him. While this is satisfying to me as a momma, it's a lot less satisfying for me as a human being who needs sleep.

We got our Christmas tree this afternoon. It was a little iffy. I. is trying to come down with a cold it seems so she didn't feel very good and D. did not like the chain saws cutting off the bottom of the trees. With this being D.'s first Christmas tree experience, it made me fast forward to when V. and I would be getting a tree all by ourselves without kids...not as satisfying I suspect and made me appreciate today all the more.

We got the tree up and after the kids went to bed, V. and I got the lights on. Now for the next week, I. and I can decorate the tree with ornaments little by little, truly enjoying the process. Yesterday she and I made gingerbread cookies and I was rewarded with hugs and "I like baking with you Mommy." I want to find kid friendly recipes to make with her in the future.

All in all, it was a good weekend the only thing being that I wish I could go back to how D. was eating and sleeping before. It'll come again but for now, it's tough to be the only one keeping this boy alive. That's the usual but sometimes, during growth spurts, I really feel it especially.

For now though, I'm going to enjoy the smell of our Christmas tree. It smells wonderful.

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