Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Survival

The survival of Valentine's Day. It was a day of angst for so long that it's hard to not feel that way about it still to this day. I felt myself getting irritated when several people asked I. or I what we were doing for Valentine's Day. Uh, I don't know, waking up and living?! I wasn't sure what the right answer was so I just shrugged and said "Hanging out." as though that wasn't something out of the ordinary. Not that I don't appreciate hanging out with I., 'cause I do but it's not like a special Valentine's Day event or anything.

I. and I snuck our cards into V.'s suitcase on Sunday before he left so he'd have them for the actual day. There was a "miscommunication" of sorts. Actually it was less of a miscommunication than just a little bit of wishful thinking and a whole lot of not listening on V.'s part. No, it didn't turn into a huge, pouting deal like it would have been 15 years ago or even 5 years ago but still, ya know it was Valentine's Day. I specifically told V. he was off the hook for flowers this year since we are leaving tomorrow for San Fran but that he was still on the hook for a card at least. That's where the selective hearing came in and what he heard was "You're off the hook for Valentine's Day this year." So there was no card from him AND he didn't take I. to get a card or have her make me a card either. So this baby mama got nada. This all came to light at the end of last night's phone call when I asked, "Did you find our cards?" and he said, "Yes, I thought we weren't getting cards for each other." That's when I clarified exactly what I said since he didn't bother listening to the entire 8 word sentence. So he was sputtering that he figure out something and I felt like saying, "Dude, the day is OVER." but I just let him sputter because I felt like he at the very least deserved that. It also didn't help that I went to the grocery store to get myself something special for dinner (i.e. an artichoke) and as I stood there in the long lines (why did I go to the grocery store on Valentine's Day!), I was surrounded by men with floweres, balloons, cards, steaks and lobster tails trying to make sure they were sufficiently covered for the day.

Next topic is packing for San Fran which must take place today. I.'s shouldn't be bad at all. It's mine that is going to be filled with angst I think. Why? Because my midsection is changing daily, actually hourly. Pants that "fit" yesterday may fit this morning and they might not. Pants that fit on Wednesday may not fit by our last day, Monday. On top of that, I have a very limited selection, I mean, very limited. It's going to be raining up there and cold for at least the first three days so it would be nice to be able to choose among pants that will give me the most protection from the rain. At this point, it's looking like I'll be lucky to even have a pair of pants in the suitcase let alone on my body. It's just that awkward time of too big for normal pants (for the most part) and too small for maternity pants. So this will make for a fun time packing.

Packing aside, I'm excited for our adventure beginning tomorrow morning. The apartment in Nob Hill is lined up and tonight I'm going to finish researching public transportation to the places we want to see. Then it's just a matter of enjoying ourselves. I am confident that we can do that.

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